As I continue to grow in my walk with the Lord, I am realizing
that being transparent is vital for growth and maturity. It is also crucial for
developing strong, close relationships with fellow believers. What does being transparent mean? According
to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, it means: a) free from pretense or deceit
(frank); b) easily detected or seen through (obvious); or c) readily
I recently attended a women’s retreat where many women
shared their stories of struggles, pains, and joys, and I felt more connected
and blessed because of their openness. I
think being transparent helps us in many ways, and is helpful for both the
person sharing and the person hearing. Even
though we may have never endured what the other person is going through, we
have compassion for and an understanding of that person, and more importantly, this
moves us to pray for that person. Another
reason is that we may see a little of ourselves in that person, and it helps us
to realize that we are not the only one who has ever struggled with or
experienced a particular issue. This is
especially true for me. At times, I have felt like no one could understand or
relate to particular issues I have battled with, things that are very personal,
and at times painful or shameful to discuss. It was when someone shared their
deepest troubles, their past experiences, things that I could relate to, that I
was able to open my heart and grow and let go of these feelings of shame or inadequacy
that has kept me down for so long.
Early in my walk with the Lord, it was hard for me to feel
connected to other believers. I felt like I didn’t have any one that I could
relate to. It seemed like people kept
discussions at the surface level, and it appeared that they had their life
together and were super Christians. It
seemed that everyone had been Christians all their lives, were married, happy, and
being blessed financially. I was the total opposite: a new Christian wet behind
the ears, a single parent struggling with depression, and broke. As a result, I felt I was an inadequate Christian,
and that I must be doing something wrong because my life wasn’t perfect. Looking
back, part of the reason may have been because of the type of churches I was
attending; prosperity was the focus. I
didn’t want that brand new BMW, I just wanted to be loved and accepted as I
was, and to feel released from the burden of shame and guilt. It wasn’t until I started attending churches
where transparency was evident, and hearing personal testimonies from the
pastors and people at church, that I began to feel connected. I can’t explain it, but there is this sort of
bonding that happens when people share their stories, unabashed and unashamed. We
open our hearts and cry with them, or we silently cheer for them at what they
have overcome with the help of Jesus, and we marvel at what the Lord can do
with anyone and any circumstance.
At the retreat I recently attended, many women shared their
personal battles that they had endured or continue to struggle with. Some things were very heartbreaking to hear
and very painful for them to share. But it was because of their willingness to
share with us, to be transparent, that all of the women were blessed. I think it made us feel united in Christ and
encouraged us to keep fighting the fight, whatever each of us may be personally
be going through. I also believe that because of the environment of safety and
love and encouragement that was present, it made it easier for the women to
share. And they bravely did so because they
have been set free by the love of Jesus, where there is no condemnation, only
restoration. I know this has had a big impact on me. It has
always been hard for me to open up to people for various reasons. It can be
scary to share your personal struggles with others. It feels risky. I often thought, “Will they
judge me?” “Will they look at me differently?”
Of course we should use discernment and be discreet when it comes to being
transparent, because not every environment may be safe to do so. I have been very
blessed to find sisters where I can do so safely. I have realized that I have also
found freedom when I have shared my experiences. I am not sure why that is. Maybe it’s because
I feel like burdens have been released.
The scriptures say that we are to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians
6:2), so perhaps when we share with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are
no longer hanging onto our pains and sorrows, but are releasing them, and in
turn being prayed for and encouraged by our Christian family. It is like a weight has been lifted off our
shoulders. The problems may still be
there, but we are not alone.
When we are transparent, others see what we have been
through and see how faithful we are to the Lord in spite of how difficult life
may be. They see how He has pulled us through whatever trial we’ve been through.
They see how He has transformed us from the old person we used to be, to a new
creation in Him. Being transparent encourages others and gives them hope that
they too, can overcome or can endure. One
of the most important things I have learned from other’s testimonies and
frankness is the forgiveness and grace of God.
When I heard women sharing stories similar to mine, and I saw how they
have experienced the forgiveness of God, it gave me hope and peace that I also
can be forgiven and set free from that bondage of guilt and shame.
There are many examples of transparency in the bible. David and Paul are the first ones that comes
to mind. Paul often talked openly about
his weakness, failures and past mistakes, and I have been encouraged time after
time when I read his words. How many
times did David cry out to the Lord about his weaknesses, fears and failures? The
Psalms of David are the most loved and most quoted scriptures in the bible because
they are so encouraging; we have a real man, a powerful man, being real before
God and real before people, faults and all. Above all though, we learn from
King David that being transparent before the Lord is the most important
thing. Yes, God may already know what’s
in our heart and every little detail about us (Psalm 139), but by openly crying
out to Him our innermost pains, desires, sorrows, and joys, draws us closer to
Him, and strengthens our relationship with Him. The more we open our hearts to
him, the closer He gets to us, and our relationship continues to grow deeper
and we experience freedom in knowing He forgives us and accepts us, no matter
where we came from, or what we’ve done.
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